The Second Anniversary


On the second anniversary of the crisis in Ukraine, our thoughts and prayers go out to all those who continue to suffer and struggle. We feel the pain of those who have lost or are separated from family members and loved ones, those who have been injured, who had to flee their homes, who lost their jobs and their livelihoods, and who suffered other traumas. It has been a grueling two years; we hope for better days ahead.

The people of Ukraine have demonstrated extraordinary bravery, reliance, compassion, and support for one another. People around the world continue to lend aid and encouragement, ensuring the survival of thousands and bolstering the spirits of even more.

It is an honor to work alongside individuals who give selflessly, and organizations that prioritize the well-being of people they will never meet. We will continue to provide for the immediate needs of thousands of Ukrainians, with food, medicine, shelter and more, while we also plan for the future—we will build the communities back even better than before.

We are here for the people of Ukraine, yesterday, today and tomorrow. Thank you for your generosity in making our work possible. Together we save lives and restore hope.

Together, we Save Lives and Restore Hope!

Shlomo Peles
Executive Director
Rabbi Shmuel Kaminezki
Dnipro, Ukraine
Rabbi Pinchas Vishedsky
Kyiv, Ukraine
Rabbi Moshe Moskovitz
Kharkiv, Ukraine
Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm
Zhitomir, Ukraine
Rabbi Avraham Wolff
Odessa, Ukraine