The Faces of Borodyanka

MAY 31ST 2024

Borodyanka is a small city of 13,000 people, located on the Zdvyzh River, approximately 35 miles northwest of Kyiv. On February 24, 2022, the city was invaded; several apartment buildings and other structures were destroyed, including bridges, isolating city residents from the rest of the country. One month later the city was back under Ukrainian control, but much damage had been done, including the loss of many lives (estimates range from 200-400 people).

Over the past 2 years, we have provided regular support to many residents of Borodyanka, including Svitlana, whose mother died of cancer last year. Svitlana was left to care for her ailing father and young daughter while she herself is undergoing chemotherapy treatment for cancer that was diagnosed in 2022.

Iryna is a mother of five children, two of whom are visually impaired. One of the two children, her son, is almost blind, and doctors do not expect his condition to improve. Despite these challenges, Iryna and her husband maintain a positive outlook in a warm and nurturing home. We provide them assistance and support.

Victoria and her family were removed from their home in Borodyanka during the 2022 invasion, leaving them with nowhere to go. Her mother was overwhelmed by the stress of their situation and fell gravely ill; now she suffers from a severe neurological condition that affects her spine. Doctors believe she can be helped by a complicated and costly surgery, to be scheduled as soon as funds are available. The community has hosted fundraisers and provides other support,  supplementing the aid we provide the family.

Larisa, founder of the Luhansk regional women's human rights organization, "Chaika," settled in Borodyanka after being forced from her home. She is active in human rights work to support individuals who, like her, are Internally Displaced Persons (“IDPs”).  Like many others, Larisa turns to us for humanitarian relief.

Antonina and her husband are from the border village of Kamyanska-Sloboda. After losing their home, they have been living with relatives. Antonina's sight has deteriorated markedly over the past couple of years, and the glasses provided through our partnership with Restoring Vision have been of great assistance. Antonina is now able to carry out her daily activities, and she is comforted knowing that she and her husband are not forgotten.

With your help, we continue to save lives and restore hope.

Together, we Save Lives and Restore Hope!

Shlomo Peles
Executive Director
Rabbi Shmuel Kaminezki
Dnipro, Ukraine
Rabbi Pinchas Vishedsky
Kyiv, Ukraine
Rabbi Moshe Moskovitz
Kharkiv, Ukraine
Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm
Zhitomir, Ukraine
Rabbi Avraham Wolff
Odessa, Ukraine