Donated Bags Save The Day


Several months ago we received hundreds of donated shopping bags on wheels, sometimes called trolley bags. While initially we were unsure whether the bags would be of use, turns out they are an enormous help for many people!

In Mykolayiv, residents are forced to rely on bottled water for cooking and drinking, as the tap water is not safe to consume. The large jugs are heavy and difficult to transport, particularly for the elderly. The bags on wheels provide the perfect solution! Not only are people able to transport the water, they are able to add groceries: One local resident explained:

 “At the end of January I had surgery and could not lift anything. The cart solved all my problems; there is no way I could manage without it. And just think, at 60 I am the youngest of recipients of the carts; you can imagine the joy of the older people when they are able to take one of these carts home.”


From Kherson:

“Now our city of Kherson is constantly under shelling! I rarely leave the house for fear of getting shot. I really needed a trolley bag, since it’s very difficult for me to carry a lot in my hands, and I have to do a lot of shopping. Now I can buy everything I need, put it in my bag, and take it with me. THANK YOU ALL! The hand of the giver will never fail!”

A woman in Kyiv explained:

“Now, when all the streets are covered with snow, it is becoming more and more difficult for us pensioners to go out for water and groceries--to the shops, to the market, to the post office. Utility workers are trying to deal with the snow, but they do not always succeed as they should. Therefore, even though you don’t want to leave the house, sometimes we have to! Thanks to the trolley bag, we don’t have to leave the house as often."

The trolley bags are handy not only for trips to the store or market, but also for long trips on public transportation, to carry personal items without worrying they might get wet: umbrellas, wallets, phones.

One person wrote on behalf of several members of the community: 

 “We are very grateful to Jewish Relief Network Ukraine. Each such act of support is a bridge between hearts, which strengthens the belief that together we can overcome any difficulties. Thousands of elderly people in Ukraine are experiencing the pain of war, and you work tirelessly to ensure that they feel supported, loved and cared for during these difficult times. These small acts of kindness can improve the lives of those who need it most.”

Together we save lives and restore hope. Thank you for your ongoing support!

Together, we Save Lives and Restore Hope!

Shlomo Peles
Executive Director
Rabbi Shmuel Kaminezki
Dnipro, Ukraine
Rabbi Pinchas Vishedsky
Kyiv, Ukraine
Rabbi Moshe Moskovitz
Kharkiv, Ukraine
Rabbi Shlomo Wilhelm
Zhitomir, Ukraine
Rabbi Avraham Wolff
Odessa, Ukraine